Seafoods are a source of complete protein that often contain a certain amount of Omega 3 essential fatty acids. Although fats are generally looked upon in a negative light, these fatty acids are essential for normal bodily function and have a positive effect on many things such as :
amongst many others.
These fats along with Omega 6 essential acids (omega 6’s can be found in various seeds) can contribute to much better muscular gains and health. This make many types of seafood great foods that build muscle.
Of course, food is one part of muscle building. If you want to build muscle in the quickest way possible, I’d highly recommend grabbing a complete muscle building program to kick-start your muscle building efforts – My highest recommendation goes to Vince Delmontes No Nonsense Muscle Building which provides a complete guide on not only nutrition but workouts, theory and much more. Click Here to check it out now
The only negative to certain types of seafood is that they can contain a substantial amount of fat, overall. Although the majority of that fat is beneficial in moderation, if eaten too much, can cause an increase in body fat storage. This will also bring with it the negative health effects that a diet high in overall fat can bring. E.g obesity, risk of heart disease etc.
However, do not be put off by the fats contained in oily fish. As long as they are eaten in moderation (twice a week is generally recommended but I’d recommend getting some essential fatty acids daily through seeds and oils in small amounts to get the benefits), they can provide fantastic health benefits and assist you in gaining muscle.
Apart from oily fish, there are other types of seafood that contain little or no fat at all. These include foods like prawns and tuna. These are foods that build muscle whilst keeping you lean and there isn’t as much of a restriction on how much can be eaten due to their low fat content (however, variety is always recommended for a balanced diet).
There are generally no carbohydrates contained in seafood so they are also good low-carb foods that build muscle.
Here is a list of seafood that build muscle fast, along with any additional nutritional information
CANNED TUNA (in water – drained)
Protein – 25 Grams
Carbs – 0 grams
Fat – 0.5-2 Grams
Calories – 116
COD – (and no I’m not talking ‘fish and chips’!)
Atlantic/Pacific – cooked – dry heat
Protein – 23 grams
Carbs – 0 grams
Fat – 1 grams
Calories – 105
PINK SALMON – Cooked – Dry Heat
Protein – 25.5 grams
Carbs – 0 grams
Fat – 4.5 grams
Calories – 150
WILD SALMON – Atlantic – Cooked – Dry Heat
Protein – 25.5 grams
Carbs – 0 grams
Fat – 8 grams
Calories – 145
MACKEREL – Atlantic – Cooked – Dry Heat
Protein – 24 grams
Carbs – 0 grams
Fat – 18 grams
Calories – 263
Cooked – Moist Heat
Protein – 20.5 grams
Carbs – 0 gram
Fat – 1 grams
Calories – 100
There are many, many more varieties of seafood that I havn’t included here to keep this list simple. If you have a favourite type of seafood that isn’t listed, please check out which contains a massive free database of foods and their nutritional values!
This final chapter concludes my articles on foods that build muscle. I hope the information in these articles has been detailed enough to be interesting but simple enough to follow! You’re now better equipped to go out there and feed your muscle the correct foods that build muscle!
Feed the muscle – Watch it grow
Thanks for reading
Other chapters in this article…
Foods That Build Muscle – Overview
For Muscle Building I Recommend
This program is highly recommended by me for males and females who want a COMPLETE program to help you achieve your dream body in double quick time!
Everything from theory, to workouts, to your diet is all taken care of here plus much more. This program will help you to avoid all of the costly newbie mistakes (the same mistakes I made when I started!) that waste valuable muscle building time and effort.
Check my full and honest review of ‘No Nonsense Muscle Building and Fat Cutting’
Altug is the owner of
Having formerly been a stick thin, skinny guy AND a chubby teen – He now helps people on a daily basis to achieve their life long fitness goals and lead a healthier, more fulfilled lifestyle.
Altug currently works full time in a London Gym as a Fitness Manager with an Advanced Level 3 Fitness Professional qualification amongst many others.
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