Muscle Building Tips And Articles To Help You Build Muscle Fast!
Welcome to the muscle building section! In this area you’ll find muscle building tips and information contained in various articles for both men and women.
For men and women, building muscle will make you stronger, appear more athletic and increase your confidence. Many people may associate weight lifting with vanity but it provides many health benefits to improve your quality of life.
Mini Guide To Building Muscle Start Here! This guide containing muscle building tips will outline the most important things you need to know about muscle building. If you get any of the below wrong, you will NOT gain muscle! When you’ve finished, check out more articles further down this page to learn more and don’t forget to pick up your FREE e-book when you sign up to my free muscle building tips and fat burning E-Zine! |
Why Build Muscle?
In the male, more muscle mass will increase your testosterone levels which helps with your strength, the rate at which you burn calories and will provide an increase in libido and sex drive.
Lifting weights will also increase your bone density which will help keep your bones strong even in old age! This applies to both men and women.
For women, increasing muscle mass is something that is commonly feared. Fear not – The female body is not designed to hold mountains of muscle regardless of how hard you train. The primary reason for this is that the levels of testosterone in women is significantly less than those in a male. These low levels don’t support big increases in muscle mass.
However, small increases in lean muscle tissue are achievable and should be desired by women because just slightly more muscle on a woman’s frame means a higher metabolism, a more curvy, ‘toned’ look and is a long-term solution to keeping the fat off (this is due to the fact that having more muscle on your frame means that your body is burning more calories throughout the day just to maintain them!).
So now that you know the benefits of muscle building, check out the articles below that contain muscle building tips and information to help you to build muscle fast.
Train hard and most importantly train smart!
Articles Containing Muscle Building Tips
For Muscle Building I Recommend

The most effective muscle building program I’ve found after a thorough review is Vince Delmonte’s No Nonsense Muscle Building and Fat Loss Program.
This program is highly recommended by me for males and females who want a COMPLETE program to help you achieve your dream body in double quick time!
Everything from theory, to workouts, to your diet is all taken care of here plus much more. This program will help you to avoid all of the costly newbie mistakes (the same mistakes I made when I started!) that waste valuable muscle building time and effort.
Check my full and honest review of ‘No Nonsense Muscle Building and Fat Cutting’
by Altug Kop
So, what is the best way to build muscle? This a question that has been bugging every so-called expert, scientist and average Joe.
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by Altug Kop
Is it possible to ‘shock’ and confuse your muscles into new growth and break through a plateau?…read more
Everything You Wanted to Know About Volume Training (VT)
by Altug Kop
Find out all about volume training to build muscle fast here. What benefits does VT training provide? What are the pros and cons of volume training?…read more
Everything You Wanted to Know About HIT Training – High Intensity Training
by Altug Kop
Find out all about this popular method of training to build muscle fast. The HIT protocol was made extremely popular by the late IFBB Pro Mike Mentzer. What are the pros and cons?…read more
Is it Possible to Build Muscle and Burn Fat at the Same Time?
by Altug Kop
Is it possible to build muscle and burn fat at the same time? I take a look at the best way to achieve your goals of a muscular and ripped physique here…read more
How to Build Chest Muscle Fast – part 2
by Altug Kop
Welcome to the 2nd part of this article where we’ll be looking at the remaining mistakes commonly made when trying to build chest muscle fast. We then take a look at correcting these errors in the conclusion of this article to get you a killer chest!…read more
How to Build Chest Muscle Fast – part 1
by Altug Kop
Welcome to this 2 part article where we’ll be looking at the most common mistakes made when trying to build chest muscle fast! Then we take a look at ways to remedy these errors to get you back on the muscle building train to Muscle Town! (Yepp, I like cheese!)
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The Best Skinny Guy Weight Training Exercises
Welcome to this 2 part article where we’ll be looking at the most common mistakes made when trying to build chest muscle fast! Then we take a look at ways to remedy these errors to get you back on the muscle building train to Muscle Town! (Yepp, I like cheese!)
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BodyBuilding Beginners – Build Your Foundation First
A fantastic motivational and informative article by Sean to help beginners build muscle fast! Contains the simplest but most important muscle building tips..
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Quick and Easy Tips For Building Each Major Muscle Group
With so much hype and bogus “breakthrough” exercise methods popping up all the time, most lifters seem to have lost the basics. In this article, Sean gives you the bread and butter exercises to build muscle fast!
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Ripped Arms – How do we Build Big, Cut Arms?
by Altug Kop
Most novice bodybuilders want to know how to build big, ripped arms! I explain how to build ripped arms in this article
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Fastest Way to Build Muscle Revealed!
by Altug Kop
The fastest way to build muscle revealed – I outline four true, no-b.s things you can do today to start to build muscle fast!
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When I was away in the forces I found that using my own body weight was a good thing because when i came back i was totally ripped.
Hey Matt, thanks for the comment!
You can definitely have a good workout with bodyweight exercises – Eventually though you will hit limits that will need to be blasted past with a free weights program.
You were probably burning a lot of calories in the forces as well as your workouts – What was your typical daily schedule there? What about your diet?
That’s awesome that you came back ripped – Good work!