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muscle building food – LoseWeightBuildMuscles.com

Foods That Build Muscle or Burn Fat – Carbohydrates

There are 2 types of carbohydrates. Simple sugars and complex carbohydrates (see the tables below for example foods for both). There is a place for both in your diet but, ideally, the majority of your diet will consist of slow-release, unrefined, complex carbohydrates that are high in vitamins, minerals and fiber. (You may hear these … Read moreFoods That Build Muscle or Burn Fat – Carbohydrates

Foods That Build Muscle – Pulses, Nuts + Legumes

If you have yet to read my initial article about foods that build muscle then please do so before reading on. It contains vital information about protein that you won’t want to skip over! Pulses, nuts and legumes are a source of protein that do not come from animals. This makes them great for vegetarians … Read moreFoods That Build Muscle – Pulses, Nuts + Legumes

Foods That Build Muscle – Fish and Seafood

If you have yet to read my initial article about foods that build muscle then please do so before reading on. It contains vital information about protein that you won’t want to skip over! Seafoods are a source of complete protein that often contain a certain amount of Omega 3 essential fatty acids. Although fats … Read moreFoods That Build Muscle – Fish and Seafood

Foods That Build Muscle – Meats

If you have yet to read my initial article about foods that build muscle then please do so before reading on. It contains vital information about protein that you won’t want to skip over! As far as foods that build muscle are concerned, meat is an excellent choice! (unless you’re a vegetarian/Vegan, of course!) They … Read moreFoods That Build Muscle – Meats