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The Truth About Abs Review – LoseWeightBuildMuscles.com

The Truth About Abs Review

So today you’re looking to find a Truth About Abs review? Good because again, if you’ve read any of my other reviews you know that I’m not about to B.S you like most of the other fake reviews online.

As you probably already know most of the reviews online just want a quick commision out of you so they’ll throw up a half-baked review when they haven’t even read the book in the first place. I can’t even begin to tell you how many Truth About Abs reviews I’ve seen online that actually have nothing to do with the book!
truth about abs review
I don’t work that way – I make sure I review every product personally. For example when I heard all the fuss and hype about The Truth About Abs program I wanted to see whether there was any substance to it.

This program tops the online “fitness” category as the most popular program online by a long shot. Of course this could just mean lots of people are promoting it – It doesn’t necessarily correlate to the quality of the program.

Intrigued about this program and wanting to give an honest review to benefit my readers I got in touch with Mike, the owner of Truth About Abs and asked if I could review his program. This is always my first test because if somebody is confident about their program then why wouldn’t they want it reviewed on a website that currently gets 20’000 page views a month? It would be extra exposure for them. (you’ll be surprised at how many programs don’t respond!)

If You Want to Skip This Review and Check out The Truth About Abs Program Now Click Here

Well, after proving that I was the owner of this website, Mike responded promptly and personally with a review copy of his E-program. Well, he passed the first test but let’s see if his program could pass me with my B.S radar on full beam.

As a trainer in the U.K certified on the highest level of the register of exercise professionals, I always keep my eyes peeled for any bogus claims in any Ebook’s or programs claimed to be written by experts.

So, let’s take a look at how this program sizes up in my honest, no nonsense Truth About Abs review :

What is the Truth About Abs Program?

It is exactly what it says on the tin. A book that claims to tell you the truth about getting lean and burning body fat. Inside the program you will find theory, nutrition, diet plans, exercise plans, exercises pictures and other stuff that I’ll go into much more detail about further down.

What Do You Get?

Inside the members area you get the main program ebook which is 140 pages long. You also get 3 other bonus ebooks about exercise and nutrition. Overall, it for the amount of stuff you get it appears to be very good value..but is it just filler or does this program contain actually contain some substance?

If You Want to Skip This Review and Check out The Truth About Abs Program Now Click Here

So Give me Your Truth About Abs review – What’s the Verdict? Good, Bad or Ugly?

Ok let me break it down and cut the crap. Here is my verdict, chapter by chapter. Unfortunately there isn’t a contents page which makes things a little more difficult but chapters are numbered and organised well so here we go.

1 – Intro : Gives a bit of background about himself and talks about the biggest misconceptions about losing fat and getting visible abdominals. I like his “layman” approach as I can’t stand those trainers who try to talk themselves up by using fancy lingo. Sometimes I think they forget they’re talking to another human. Mike doesn’t do this, so this is a good start. Still, nothing groundbreaking here so far.

2 – Relative Leaness or Bodyfat : Mike dispels an important myth here about gaining those elusive abdominals. A short but effective chapter.

3 – Starting Point : A chapter about motivation and belief. Not a “sexy” topic but an extremely important one. Glad to see that Mike included this chapter.

4 – Importance of Diet : This section is broken down into sub-sections because obviously nutrition is a huge topic and Mike covers it well. I like that he talks about nutrition more simply than in other programs I’ve read (such as The Diet Solution). I believe the average Joe will have no trouble understand what he is saying. Even if you just read and digest every part of this chapter you’ll be well on your way to burning loads of fat pretty quickly. Diet plans are also included in this section

If I had to moan I’d say that it dragged on a little. He occasionally goes into “fluff” territory where he starts talking about things I feel weren’t as important for the user to know. However, maybe that’s because I already know this stuff. You may find it useful.

5 – Safe and Effective Abdominal Development : Probably the section you’re most interested in, right. How to get those abs. Again this section is broken down into sub-chapters. First Mike talks about the anatomy of the abs, then talks about how to train them correctly and effectively, then to finish off he provides about a bazillion ab exercises for you to choose from with pictures. (Don’t worry he doesn’t recommend you do them all..I would have called the book useless if he recommended that).

A well-written chapter which leaves nothing to the imagination. Full pictures are included to make sure you are doing the exercises safely and effectively. Just don’t get overwhelmed with the amount of exercises offered.

6 – Lean Body Mass and Metabolic Rate : Explains the relationship between how much lean body mass you are carrying and your metabolism. A simple chapter really. Also shows you how to calculate your metabolic rate. Pretty simple stuff but important if you don’t know about it already.

7 – Metabolic Effect Of Training : Explains how different types of training effect your metabolism. This section will also surprise you if you weren’t aware of what Mike is talking about. Nothing ground-breaking here but chances are if you’ve been brainwashed by the media or old school methods of training, this section will open your eyes to the truth.

8 – Free Weights Or Machines : Didn’t really need it’s own section. Could have incorporated it within another chapter.

9 – The Problem with Cardio and My Solution : A solid chapter which again will probably leave you wide-eyed thinking “What?? I was never told or taught that?”. Mike dispels more myths here and gives you effective solutions. This section alone will flip the switch on your fat burning!

10 – Frequency and Duration of Training Sessions : Another chapter that probably could have been merged with another chapter. The info is solid but in my opinion it didn’t need it’s own chapter.

11 – Putting it All Together into an Effective Training Routine : This is another longer chapter that is broken down into sub-headings. This is quite an important chapter so pay attention to it as it shows you how to put your training routine together and offers you sample plans and exercises. This is where you will find lots of important full-body exercises pictured and explained to you. Take Note : This chapter is MORE important than the ab training chapter. This is the chapter that will allow you to burn more fat so that you can SEE your abs.

Bodyweight routines are also offered for those who don’t have access to a gym.

12 – Additional Lean Body Tips : Important little tips that you should take on board to maximize your fat loss. In fact I’d say some of these are so important he should have mentioned them in the “diet” area. Or further up in the book rather than leave them at the end where people might skip them. (Don’t skip any of this book if you want best results)

13 + 14 – FAQ’s and Final Thoughts : These are just a collaboration of the questions Mike has been asked over time and has included the answers in the ebook. In the final thought’s he passes the knowledge in to your hands and tells you to take action.

Overall Verdict on my Truth About Abs Review

I must say before I wrote this Truth About Abs review I was very skeptical. I didn’t think it would be much more than an over-advertised, over-promoted and over-hyped program. There are so many out there, trust me on that one.

I was pleasantly surprised that Mike overdelivered with The Truth About Abs. I found myself quite frequently saying “Exactly….Exactly” in agreement when i was reading through his book. So it is quite obvious that he is a certified Personal trainer and nutritionist. He looks the part too.

With the knowledge you gain in this ebook, you’ll have all the tools to burn fat fast and see those abs whether you’re a male or female. But, if you’re not interested in taking action then this book is not for you and I wouldn’t bother recommending it. Like Mike says at the end, “It’s in your hands now”.

It’s up to you, do you want to make that change? If so, after my Truth About Abs Review, I’d highly recommend checking out the program now HERE.

2 thoughts on “The Truth About Abs Review

  1. Wrong program Paul! lol

    But you’re right, that is what No Nonsense Muscle Building teaches..it is also a concept in The Truth About Abs program too. Hormones are a very important area when we explore fat loss and/or muscle building.

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